Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Journey

Times are changing
Dust storms are swirling by
The grains of sand
Covering our footprints left behind,
The impressions of our time spent together
Etched on the sands of time

But the memories of the journey remain-
The trials and tribulations
The quadrupled joy and the halved sorrow
Through the ups and downs of this roller coaster ride-
Watching life pass by
Like a shooting star...ephemeral yet, bright

The footprints are fading
They're getting covered with others
But the impression of the journey lives on
Life is change, but change is constant
And hence, the journey continues

Note: This was what I wrote on the album we made for Nitya as a going-away present. It has been tweaked a little and I got myself to put it up for all those people I knew (no, I still KNOW you all) here at home... I'm hoping this fulfils my senti quota :P... If you're expecting more tear laden melodrama, sorry, not happening! Took a herculean effort on my part to put this itself up in the first place!


Div said...

"Took a herculean effort on my part to put this itself up in the first place!: - I believe that! But hell, its not melodramatic. Its nice, and nostalgic. I loved the shooting star bit, ephemeral yet, bright. Did i ever tell u i love the word etched? for some weird reason... i love the word.

Ananya said...

Hehe...about the word 'etched' just told me! lol. Though, for the life of me, I can't imagine why you'd like the word, but then it's you!